Vision, Mission & Goals

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The vision of our association is to leverage renewable sources (specifically from wind) to provide sustainable clean energy in Asia-Pacific.


Our mission is to promote and support governmental, organizational and private levels of engagement, while encouraging the growth and expansion in the wind energy sector in the Asia – Pacific region. AsiaWEA focuses on facilitating international and national policies and promoting development of technology, infrastructure and dialogue.

To achieve this, the Asia Wind Energy Association will:

  • Provide a platform to increase collaboration of wind energy sector in different regions in Asia-Pacific.
  • Improve dialogue and collaboration among the members.
  • Leverage opportunities created by the rapidly growing energy demand in Asia-Pacific to benefit the Asian wind energy sector.
  • Ensure that the wind industry gets sufficient access.

AsiaWEA focuses on dialogue among various stakeholders with the aim to improve communication, raise awareness and promote the use of wind energy in the Asia-Pacific region.


The goal is to make the Asia Wind Energy Association the leading wind power voice in the Asia-Pacific region and the driving force for the future direction of the sector by:

  • Establishing AsiaWEA as the key source for providing support to local and regional authorities to formulate supportive policies and legislative processes for the wind sector.
  • Establishing AsiaWEA as the core reference for international and local stakeholders in the wind sector in Asia-Pacific.
  • Ensuring AsiaWEA works in close partnership with its members and other relevant industry organisations.
  • Ensuring AsiaWEA’s profile and reputation are on par with international industrial associations.


AsiaWEA will prioritize six strategic objectives:

  • Secure the largest possible market share and develop the full potential of today’s Asian wind markets by meeting the member countries’ COP21 targets.
  • Disprove the notion that fossil fuels and nuclear energy are not subsidized. Promote “the polluter pays” principle. Openly discuss the level of hidden subsidy provided to the other forms of electrical generation.
  • Promote wind energy research, development and innovation (R, D & I) to develop Asian technological leadership, enhance the affordability of wind energy and ensure optimal use of Asian research funds, supporting Asian academia, research institutes and industry.
  • Promote grid development, operation, and maintenance along with the markets to integrate large quantities of wind energy in a cost efficient way.
  • Promote a long–term stable framework and attract new investments.
  • Ensure that wind industry gets sufficient access to finance at actual cost rather than perceived risk, while ensuring that political risk is minimized.